Friday, August 5, 2011


This week did not go well.

Weekly weight goal: 165
Actual weight: 168.8

Weight gain for the week: .6 pounds.

Whatevs, I am okay with it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So as you know I cheated on Saturday, so I have been basically trying to lose that cheat weight all week. My goal is to make 167.2 by Friday (a pound weight loss from last Friday). I think it should be doable. After that, I should be back on track to get down to my weight loss goals if I REALLY make an effort. I want to be under 160 by the time school starts. It may not be doable/realistic, but I am definitely going to try. I actually feel okay about the way I look in the 150's, so yeah... should be a good way to begin the semester. I have 26 days until the semester begins, meaning I have 26 days to lose 9.3 pounds. Around 3 pounds a week... it IS possible, but it will mean lots of exercise and determination.

Not drinking has become shockingly easy; I am SO used to not drinking at the bar that I really do not even think about it anymore. I am going to attempt to not drink throughout the whole semester, with my first drink being the last day of the semester. That should be in like four and a half months. Collectively that will be about six months of not drinking. If I succeed in that, it will be AMAZING. It will prove that I am able to control myself when it comes to alcohol and that I do not need alcohol to enjoy myself... both things I very much want to prove to myself and others. Sometimes I worry that my friends won't like me as much without alcohol... stupid worry, really. Why would I want to be friends with people who only have fun with me when I am drunk? I don't know, man.

I drove for the first time in over a year yesterday! FELT GREAT! I cannot wait to get my car and continue on with my life!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Outfit 1

Going to do outfit updates in August... I was extremely disappointed with how these photos turned out, but whatevs. I think I have opposite body dysmorphia disorder, meaning I think I am thinner than I am.

Shirt: H&M
Skirt: Forever 21
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell via Nastygal
Rings: Forever 21 & random LJ user
I cheated on Saturday & ate a 15" (probably around 2.5-3 pound) steak burrito with guacamole. I was really depressed about it yesterday but I am okay with it now... just time to regroup and get back on track. I am confident I will reach 167 (last week's goal) by Friday, and can make it to 163 (my goal weight two weeks from Friday) by then. I am taking this cheat as an opportunity to re-start my low carb and get focused again.
Eye on the prize, eye on the prize...

Today marks the beginning of my studying before school starts. One hour a day (at least) for the 28 days before school starts. Still gonna keep reading and exercising as well. I wanna start sewing again as well. Once I get some money and a job I am definitely going to take that up again.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Didn't make it to 168... oh well! Very close though :)

Weekly goal weight: 167
Actual weight: 168.2

Weekly weight loss: 1.8 lbs.